
Mamba Cement

For brands being purchased from trade retailers and wholesalers, it is imperative that these channel partners are an extension of your sales force to ensure your brand isn’t commoditized and sold on price alone.

Cement is such a product; easily commoditized and where the majority of retail customers buy on price, regardless of brand or product features. Most consumers have at best a rudimentary knowledge of the product’s technical specifications and limitations.

Mamba Cement, as the newest cement plant in South Africa, entered this commoditized market where competitor brands have dominated for decades, in one case more than a century. How does one introduce a new brand into this environment without years of marketing and tens of millions spent on above-the-line advertising?

The Powerhouse Power Activate offering provided the answer.

The solution for Mamba Cement was to hire our seasoned and talented Power Activate team who have the aptitude and passion for training trade counter, floor staff, managers and cashiers to understand their brands’ products, uses, differentiators, USPs and brand relevance at the point of purchase.

Prior to a campaign, Power Activate professionals received in-depth company induction, product training and passed an examination. This ensured they are converted brand ambassadors representing the Mamba Cement brand at store level.

The team enters the field armed with training materials, promotional items and branded giveaways. They create sales impact at the point of purchase by turning retail trade staff into an extended sales team which is mutually beneficial for the retailer. This approach nurtures goodwill and brand affinity with retail managers, staff and customers.

The result? Mamba Cement has become a top selling cement brand in the regions it operates. With the influence of Power Activate it now competes with the top established brands in the sector.

We can do the same for you. Let us put Power behind your brand