The effectiveness of Adverts/Advertising and Advertising Agencies is to a large extent determined by the effort and emphasis on developing an understanding and executing a well-thought-out marketing strategy.
Strategy drives plans and executions so if you seek brand relevance and preference, then make sure your ADS South Africa are founded on:
-Inclusive Strategy Development
-Value propositions that are Targeted by the customer segment
-Establishing uncontested market space
-Conveying key messaging that leverages USPs and differentiators
-Creating advertising with emotive calls to action
-Executing campaigns that are aligned with your customers’ journey.
-Creating exceptional content that appeals visually and stimulates engagement
-Developing integrated campaigns that are aligned in all aspects from your corporate identity to every interaction
Marketing Strategy Development
“We are as passionate about discovering insights and developing exciting strategies as we are about the creativity and design to achieve your objectives. Our practical tools and facilitation processes ensure we end up on the same page for: Brand Positioning, Brand Strategy, Communication Strategy and Marketing and Media Strat-Plans.”
Brian Wright – Chairman Powerhouse Corporation
Inclusive Marketing Strategy and action plan development form the Backbone that drives and aligns marketing, sales finance and operations in your business. From establishing insights to Strategy and action planning, when people with relevant expertise and knowledge are included in the team the synergistic benefits become exponential.
We facilitate a five-point planning process with you and your executive team to establish everything needed to develop and implement your marketing strategic plan effectively, including:
1. Insights are developed with numerous processes including segmenting and targeting, situational analysis, competitor review and brand SWOT, which also highlights blind spots and research requirements.
2. Complementary to strategic insights we establish existing blue ocean space and gaps in your value proposition using a strategy canvass and capture your current and suggested brand positioning.
3. For brand strategy development we use various facilitated modules as required from the following; Brand building, brand architecture and core brand strategy development. Key messages and market value propositions may be defined at this point to ensure that messaging is both resonant and relevant to target markets.
1. Your communications strategy and action plans are developed by considering strategic objectives, budget and all viable options which are ranked. We prepare a media strategy and media plan which is agreed, signed off and implemented. To consider the complexity consult our Customer
Engagement infographic.
2. This gets rolled down into a detailed marketing plan with initiatives, costs, milestones, responsibilities, deliverables and timelines.
An inclusive approach to marketing strategy development and implementation leveraging the knowledge, expertise and active involvement of the combined team ensures understanding, alignment, commitment to and collective ownership of your strategies and action plans.
This collaborative process is unique to Powerhouse and is aligned with up-to-date marketing strategic planning theory and practice.
Like all strategic plans, agility and adaptability will ultimately determine success. But before the plan is set into motion branding inside out is critical, because culture eats strategy for lunch. Campaign measurables must be monitored, reported and compared with the desired outcomes, troubleshooting, recalibrating and adjusting action plans are key to success.
We will make a difference and welcome the opportunity to work with you!
With everything to gain, let’s get started..
Segmenting & Targeting Grid
Understand, evolve & communicate your value proposition
A detailed and well-thought-through segmentation and targeting grid forms the backbone for all strategy formulation and allows for seamless implementation.
Brand Bulls Eye
Strategy Canvas – Example of Competitor Analysis
Identifying Uncontested Blue Ocean Space by plotting Customer / Segment Needs and Wants, looking ofr opportunity to differentiate and establish USP’s for your Value Proposition
Integrated Campaigns Focussing on the Customer Journey Will Set Your
Brand Apart
Integrated marketing campaigns have been discussed for decades but as the media consumption evolves, with particular emphasis on online, the skills to do it are rare. As we have all seen, each media or channel specialist punts their NICHE which has created the opposite of integrated. (Of course, there are merits to having a greater share of voice in a particular channel but that’s not what is being discussed here.)
CRM Systems and online channels can close the gaps in the customer journey and offer unique solutions from informed strategy creation to cost-effective integrated inbound campaigns and Power Sales Activation.
1. Marketing Strategy
The responsibility for Marketing Strategy is often relegated to the marketing person and more often than not is more of a planned promotions spend. Sometimes the Advertising Agency is responsible for the “strategy” which is more akin to the “big creative idea” than Strategy.
CEOs should be involved in formulating strategy and would do well to choose a facilitated process with the executive team to create the enterprise’s marketing strategy. This process from insight development to Marketing Plan and execution has been used successfully with small and medium enterprises including international brands realizing exceptional alignment, ownership, accountability and results.
You and your team will be aligned, from understanding the rationale to buying into the action plans. With ownership and accountability comes success.
We all know what is said about strategy well executed.
2. Integrated campaigns for Small and Medium Size Enterprises
Your Marketing Agency, consultants and CMO must have the complete specialist skills set from traditional media to online including websites and Inbound Campaigns to plan and properly execute an integrated marketing campaign. For large enterprises with marketing departments incorporating a deep skill set of their own, this may not be a gap, but for small and medium enterprises or large manufacturers, their agencies and marketing personnel often does not have the skills to offer integrated marketing solutions.
3. Inbound Lead Generation
Inbound campaigns bridge the gap between creating brand awareness and conversions by building relevance. These critical engagements nurture prospects funnelling them to generate qualified leads primed and ready for your sales team to make the sale.
Integrating your ATL, online advertising and social media communications with your paid and organic search campaigns channels prospects to your website. Visitors to your website are served compelling emotive, sometimes gated, content showing undeniable brand relevance for lead generation.
Partnering with multidimensional content specialists who offer integrated inbound campaigns to attract, engage and nurture leads for your business will convert your campaigns into revenu
If you would like assistance, reach out and I’m sure we can assist you with effective integrated marketing initiatives that will generate an ROI which will leave you smiling.
Brand Buiding In Action
Integrated Marketing Means Far More Than Being Present and Consistent Across Different Media
Integrated marketing campaigns demand a deep understanding of your target markets, the relevance of your value proposition and key messaging together with the customer journey and respective communications channels.
Strategically aligned Creative messaging that resonates with prospects, customers, clients and loyal brand communities is required to set your integrated campaigns apart.
Message us if you would like to discuss Customer Engagement infographic relevance for your business. This generic version shows the buyer funnel, the all-critical customer conversion and ultimately what we call the Brand Trumpet. The infographic illustrates the influence that different media and marketing initiatives have at different points in the Customer Journey. The influence and even relevance of media and messaging initiatives vary greatly for different sectors, channels to market and demographics.
From Strategy formulation to integrated marketing campaign execution including Inbound campaigns, CRM and Power Sales Activations should be front and centre for CEOs and Marketing Executives.
Integrated marketing requires far more than being present and consistent across different channels
Brand Process Transforming Brands
Brand Design Process New Brands
Content Rules
Why must you apply the content rules of Who, What, Where, When & How to create content that rules.
Content creation is key to any successful inbound or lead generation campaign, without which you will not realise your goals!
Enticing, informative, EMOTIVE and well-written communications content should aim to solve clients’ and prospects’ problems making working with your brand irresistible.
Your content plan should increase visibility and position your brand as the thought leader with a compelling value proposition that sets your brand apart.
The Who, What, When, Where and How for content and winniing ADS South Africa.
WHY communicate?
There are reasons to engage and these reasons will drive your content strategy and communication plan:
- Awareness of your product, brand, service and value proposition
- Create relevance for your brand
- To secure a sale
- Build brand loyalty and lifetime customer value
WHO to communicate with
Take care to not only target markets and sectors but understand deeply what’s important to them:
- Needs
- Wants
- Problems
- Requirements
- Each prospect or customer “group” will require different messaging
WHAT you want to achieve
Create Communications that engage with prospects, customers and clients to:
- build brands,
- be relevant and
- generate leads
WHERE to place content
Choose relevant media which will reach your targeted audience because they actively engage with the channel.
- For targeting
- AND effectiveness
- Respect the channel
- Create media-relevant content
WHEN Timing is everything
Clients consume media differently and at different times of the day and week, so:
- Know when clients consume media
- Pay attention to their respective frame of mind at the time of engagement
- Content must be relevant to their customer journey
- The level of content detail is also dependent on where the prospect is on their customer journey
HOW? The all-important question!
We can help you with this one, but here are some Content Rules and guidelines:
- Firstly resonate with and then create relevance in your prospect, customer and clients’ minds
- Solve a clients problem or issues
- Realise an opportunity for your client or prospect
- Messaging must connect emotionally with target markets in content and tone
- Visual imagery is critical and engagement increases exponentially from no image > to still image > to animated imagery > to video.
- Creative messaging must stand out, grab attention or “POP”
- Calls to action must be emotive
- Powerful calls to action gets results, “who asks gets!”
- Use gated content and persona’s to help with the right content at the right time and to generate leads
- NB Enough to entice engagement but not too much information, don’t give it all away.
Now keep all of this in mind when drafting and editing content, selecting channels, creating calls to action and using visual imagery. Your content will rule.
Easy as that, OR get in touch and we will get it write, wright, right for you.